About us

Rehabilitation for people with diseases and disabilities, health promotion exercises for healthy people, and training for athletes are all “physical exercise,” regardless of the degree or type, and are performed mainly by exerting force through contraction of skeletal muscles. The main part of the exercise is the exertion of force through contraction of skeletal muscles. The basic principles of “the more you use it, the stronger and larger it becomes,” “if you don’t use it, it will deteriorate,” and “if you use it too much, it will malfunction” (the three classical Rouxian principles) apply to the musculoskeletal system, with skeletal muscles in particular, and this property of being able to change is referred to as “plasticity. Our laboratory is conducting research using physiological, biochemical, and molecular biological techniques on humans, laboratory animals, and cultured cells to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of plastic changes in the locomotor system associated with various changes such as exercise, aging, inactivity, nutritional status, and disease onset.

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Department of Integrative Physiology

Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences,
Hiroshima University

1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-Ku, Hiroshima, 734-8553 JAPAN

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